This impact story was published by Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

A glimpse of hope for Ali

SICF Holiday Campaign 2012 Ali
Dear Rey, Carla, Leila, Alan, The Meribeth, and Ellen,

Ali is a 12 year-old Iraqi boy that lives with his family in a room made of metal cans. Ali had never gone to school as a child or learned to read and write. Instead, he worked washing cars. Several times he was subjected to beatings and abuse by his employer. Thankfully, caring adults in his Iraqi community reached out to him and helped him leave his hard work. Today, with the help of your sponsorship, Ali spends his time in a safe environment where he is now learning to read and write, and enjoy his childhood.

The mission of the Sponsor Iraqi Children Foundation is to assist the families and communities of Iraq by mobilizing a life-changing “Surge of Love” for millions of children orphaned by violence in Iraq. They are committed to doing this under the leadership of the Iraqi people by serving as a catalyst to mobilize U.S. and international partners; investing in training and capacity building of Iraq’s non-governmental and community organizations; and emphasizing direct assistance for hand up, not hand out, projects.

With all of your help, children like Ali can reclaim their childhood.

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